Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What is you O.Q.?

I got this one from Laney. Thanks, I haven't had a clue what to post lately. But I have to admit to not enjoying this one too much- it hits too close to home for me. "Hi, I'm LB, and I have a hard time throwing things away, let alone putting them away. I'd so rather be reading, or sleeping."

What is Your O.Q.?
What is your Organization Quotient?
1. I can find important papers I need within a few minutes
A. All the time.
B. Most the time.
C. Rarely. I have them but they're not in any order.
D. Never. They're scattered all over.

2. My clothes are
A. In order and I can get dressed easily.
I rarely get behind on laundry.
B. In order most of the time, but the laundry sometimes stacks up.
C. In stacks waiting to be washed or ironed or put away.
D. In piles all over, getting stepped on.

3. The clothes in my closet and drawers
A. Fit me and have been worn within the past year.
B. Fit me but I haven't worn some of them in a long time.
C. Some fit me and some do not. I don't wear many of them anymore for various reasons.
D. I have no idea what is in my closet, if it fits, or the last time I wore the clothes.

4. Mail
A. Gets read and sorted daily.
B. Gets read most days.
Then it sits on the counter or desk waiting for me to make decisions.
C. Doesn't get read sometimes and gets piled up until company comes. Then it goes into another room until I can get to it.
D. Some is in the house, some in the car. I don't really know.

5. Bills get paid
A. On time every time.
B. On time most of the time, unless there is an oversight.
C. Late sometimes. I don't have a routine for paying bills.
D. Often they are late and I pay many late fees.

6. In the Kitchen
A. I can make a meal easily because I can find all the utensils and my pantry is stocked.
B. I can usually find everything, but sometimes I'm out of things I need.
C. I don't cook much. It's too much trouble to put a meal together.
D. I eat frozen meals, order in or eat out most days because I can't manage my kitchen.

7. My photographs
A. Are all arranged in scrapbooks, albums, or boxes.
B. Are mostly arranged but some are waiting until I get to it.
C. Are all together, but in no particular order.
D. Are somewhere in the house.
(There should be an E. here for those of us who have 30 rolls of film in a rubbermaid tub on the kitchen counter. Sigh.)

8. My Desk
A. Is always clear on top so I can work.
B. Is messy while I'm working, but I put papers away regularly.
C. Is messy almost always until I toss everything in a pile on the floor.
D. Is somewhere under that big pile of stuff.

9. The attic and basement in my home
A. Are orderly and are used for storing things I don't use very often.
B. Are somewhat in order, but sometimes things get lost.
C. Are cluttered with junk I never use and would probably earn me a great deal of money at a garage sale if I ever cleaned it up.
D. Are big black holes. Stuff goes in and never come out.

10. My Calendar
A. I use it daily to remember appointments and prioritize tasks.
B. I use it to write down appointments and hardly ever miss one.
C. I write down appointments most of the time but forget to check it regularly.
D. I don't have calendar I like so I don't use one.

11. I get distracted when trying to organize.
A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. Always

12. I feel overwhelmed by the size of my organizing projects.
A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. Always

13. I know the logical spots where things in my home should be put away.
A. Always
B. Often
C. Sometimes
D. Never

14. I feel confident that I can pick the right containers for the things I need to organize.
A. Always
B. Often
C. Sometimes
D. Never

15. I am able to purge items from my home when I no longer love them or need them.
A. Always. I don't hold onto things.
B. Often. But I have some emotional attachments.
C. Sometimes. I can but I struggle with it.
D. Never. I don't even try anymore.

16. When I start an organizing project, I finish it.
A. Always. This is not a problem for me.
B. Often. I usually finish, but sometimes get bored or distracted.
C. Sometimes. But I sometimes get bored or distracted by something or someone.
D. Never. I love the idea of organizing but am often too distracted to see it through to the end.

17. My family helps keep the home in order and running smoothly.
A. Always or does not apply
B. Often
C. Sometimes
D. Never

18. My home makes me feel happy and comfortable.
A. Always
B. Often
C. Sometimes
D. Never

19. Being at home and seeing my clutter makes me feel stressed.
A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. Always2

0. On a scale of 1-4 with 4 being the most cluttered, my home feels like a:
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Look for the scoring in the comments. I scored a 50. I answered honestly. I need some help! How 'bout you?


Needleroozer said...

A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4

20-29 points - You are very organized and get to enjoy your life because you are not ruled by your possessions and distractions. Sometimes you may take it too far though and spend more time organizing than is necessary, and forget to spend time doing other things you love. Be sure you are taking time to relax and enjoy life. Many people in this category are perfectionists or just born organized.

30-45 points - Reasonably organized. Most people in this category know how to organize but sometimes life gets in the way and things slip. Don't let that get you down. Give yourself a break for being human.

36-57 points - Somewhat disorganized and a probably frustrated. You haven't figured out systems to get you through daily routines and have trouble taking the time to clear out your clutter.

48-80 points - Disorganization rules your life and you are likely to be very stressed out. Your job may even be on the line. Your possessions own you instead of you owning them. Your time management is keeping you from enjoying life the way you want to.

Christine Proctor said...

I did a 50 also, but if I wasn't so busy with my kids and school it would be much easier for me to score higher. I'm capable of higher, but it takes time to keep order and I often fall short of that time. For me, it isn't lack of systems it is genuine time. I'm thinking of the laundry. With 6 people, and wanting my children to take responsiblity themselves it takes time to do all the steps. I could have it done easily if I was willing to do their parts after bedtime when I have time, but that would be looking toward the future.

Jules said...

Are you my long-lost twin? I scored a 54 and totally agree with the "I'd rather be reading or sleeping" comment!