Saturday, February 11, 2006

The post that started out titled ~The Waiting Game~ and ended up titled ~Saturday’s Life Today~

The post that started out titled ~The Waiting Game~ and ended up titled ~Saturday’s Life Today~

Well, it is 8:36 am on a sunny, bright Saturday morning. I am sitting in Whitey the minivan, in my mom’s driveway. I don’t want to wake her just yet, so will get a blog entry ready while I wait. Wait number one, and thankfully a minor one at that.

I have just dropped the Boy off at the high school where he has just begun the ACT test. If he scores extremely well, he is eligible to participate in college level classes at the UW this summer. He is particularly interested in Biology or Botany. He has been studying hard for the last month to ready himself for today, and has confided in me that he is still not sure he is ready. Regardless of how well he does, he is getting a taste of what the future holds- it is only a couple of years from now he will be taking the ACT for real. I don’t think I have the words to describe the look on his face when I left him there. I think (okay, I hope) this will give him a taste of his educational future, and make him want to take a little more personal responsibility for his education. Wait number two.

I know many of you have been thinking good thoughts and saying prayers for me this week. Thank you so very much for that. It was very hard to be sick in bed for a solid week, unable to read or watch tv, but knowing y’all were thinking of me made it a bit more bearable. Good news on that front is that I cannot believe how much more alive I feel this morning compared to the last week and a half. The headache has abated, although I still have a persistent case of tinninitis. I am getting used to the constant ringing in my head, and can tolerate it much easier than the sharp shooting head pain I have been living with. The hives are not itchy any more, and are almost healed. The muscle aches are much less, too. Those who know me well will understand when I say how hard it was for me to call the Dr., accept the fact that narcotic pain medication was the only way to deal with the pain (and I have an extremely high pain tolerance!), and that it was okay for me to be on three different meds in order to function at all. I haven’t had a hydrocodone tablet in 24 hours now, and that feels great!

I have been to the Dr. twice in the last week and a half, and spoken to him on the phone several times as well. He has some thoughts on what may be causing all these symptoms. He had me go to the lab on Wednesday, to do some bloodwork. He told me the results would be in on Thursday, but alas, it seems I shall have to wait till Monday for the results. It has been very hard on me to have some ideas of what this might be, but no tangible answers as of yet. With lots of love and understanding from the Papa Dude, and good friends to talk on the phone with, I am bearing it though. Keep praying and thinking good thoughts, if you would, I will let you know what we are dealing with as soon as I have some real ideas and not just guesses. Wait number three.

We have an audition tape for the Girl’s application to Interlochen now. We need to get all her paperwork filled out this weekend, and my goal is to mail it all off on Monday. This is later than I wanted it to be getting done, but that’s okay. Wait number four.

You know, when I first started this blog, I was unsure about posting details of our lives, pictures of our faces (we are closer to having the digital camera figured out- pics coming soon!), and intimate elements of our personal lives on the internet for all to see. And here I am, less than three months later, (fairly) comfortable with spilling all sorts of personal beans. Funny thing, life.

One of the things I was hoping for, was that this would be a journal of sorts about my art creations, reading endeavors, and other personal growth projects. And now I wonder if it is going to end up being a different sort of journal- one wherein I learn to cope with a chronic illness and all its ramifications.

It is now 9:40 a.m., and I am sitting on my Mom’s couch, typing this and visiting with my six year old nephew on his occasion jaunts out to the kitchen. I helped him toast his own bread, and butter it. He was pretending to eat his toast like a chicken- he broke it up into bits, put it on his plate, then reached down and pecked it up, laughing hysterically, and loving that I was laughing, too. This was enough for poor Grandma that she headed for the shower, shaking her head.

Oh yes, my own Boy is not so old that I don’t remember laughing at such kitchen table adventures. It seems like yesterday that they were little mites. They do grow up so very fast, don’t they? Here we were, driving in the car this morning. I look over at him, so somber and pensive. I reached over and touched the tip of his nose, something I have always done- he has such a sweet little nose, ya’ know. He giggled and smiled at me, and I swear it was like looking at him as a four-year old all over again. Sigh.

That’s all for now, my Mom needs me to pluck her chin hairs. Laugh if you will, but it happens to us all, and even faster when you are legally blind.

Fast forwqrd to 1:28 p.m.. (G.Q.?: Do I put a mark of after a mark of punctuation?. If not, why?)
Very tired, barely made it through lunch out with Redal at ~a very busy, I might add~ our old neighrborhood fave reasuraunt haunt. So tired I need to nap more before I can proofread effectively. Hurts to think. Boy’s home well fed, and I am proud of him. He is down playing Lego’s in the basement while listening to the sat aft npr shows. I told him to had fun, he had earned it, and that I loved him. He said he loves me too. I believed him. Happy mama sigh.
Back soon, need to tank up on some energy! Thanks for being there. ( promise to edit for punctuation, this evening, so bare with me until then.)

P.S. GQ? Means Grammar Question And ask me about “Picture this:”, Dy.


Dy said...

I don't think you put another mark, but I don't know why. Sort of like an elipse at the end of the paragraph. You don't put the elipse and then a period, do you? (Um, ok so that may not be as rhetorical as I meant - do you??? ACK! Where's a good grammar text when I need one?)

Like I said when you started blogging - let it evolve. Your voice will come. You may be utterly surprised by how many people you can touch and encourage, or just remind that they aren't alone, in a similar journey. {{hugs}}

I'm so proud of The Boy!! He made it through, and now you can move on. Great Job!

Only one. more. day. Hang in there, sweetie!

J-Lynn said...

LOved your post. You've got so much done! Loved hearing about your son and how quickly he's growing too.

You're in my prayers! All of you are on all the waits.

I ROFL@the chin hairs but in a I-know-I'll-be-there sort of way. ;-)