Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Tidbit #11, Girl humour and Boy Birthday

The Piano Girl/Young Miss was scrambling eggs this morning, but got caught up with chatting instead. I came over and reminded her to stir the eggs, so they didn't become rubber. They turned out yummy perfect. The Fine Young Man asked her recipe. The PG/YM replied, "Salt, pepper, and a tich of negligence." Good one!

We're on our own, the Dude just left for Nevada? I think it's Navada for a company wide meeting. Work continues to be a challenge for him, but is providing the opportunity for all four of us to have breakthroughs in the area of family community. He is committed to having this business be a success, and is working hard. I am so proud to have him be my Dude.

We spent the whole weekend celebrating with our FYM his fifteenth birthday. Lots of good stuff there, and three whole days in a row with Papa Dude.

The kids and I have recommitted ourselves to the Green Dragon Academy. As it stands, I am finding it hard to fit it all in, and I would rather just be dedicated to my life's work. I am also being an enthusiastic teacher, and bringing that to my school.

I have discovered I feel calm and feel loving when I get time in the studio daily. Luckily for me, the kids' window cubbies are in the other part of the basement, so I can monitor independant study time ( I live for the day when it does not have to be monitored, and is done joyfully.) and make art at the same time. I make myself available, and have a couple of chairs pulled up to the woodstove for impromtu tutoring sessions.

I have been working in the studio, but haven't taken pictures. I want to be there more. I need to take pics, and let you see what I have been doing. It really is my happy place.

I have pictures from three different nature study fieldtrips I have yet to load up and show you!

I am leading my Classical Ed group meeting tonight, so will have to cart kids to Gramma's later, and fit in a giant double shopping trip. I also need to teach Classical Writing and light a fire under the FYM in regards to his reading of the Illiad (should I let him skip the introduction?).

So I am here, and alive. I miss talking to you, but the good news is the Dude gave me a headset for my phone! Yay!


Bridget said...

I love the recipe for the eggs, I might have to try that.
It sounds like you all have been keeping busy.

Dy said...

"A tich of negligence" - I like the way she cooks! Too witty!

Again, a Happy 15th to the Fine Young Man. Wow, 15... it boggles the mind.

Can't wait to see more studio photos! I've got to disentangle the stupid Kodak stuff from my computer so I can start posting photos again. *grrrr*

(*psst* I'd probably just read the intro myself and if there's anything in there he didn't already know, maybe just fill him in. Let him get to the good stuff. *cheesy grin*)