Thursday, February 16, 2006


Here's the update I posted on the boards early this afternoon.

Well, the good news is that I scared the poop out of the dr by showing up in his waiting room without an appointment, lol. He apologized up and down for not calling me back, or looking at the test results. He talked to the receptionist like he had no idea I had called. She told me I needed to light a fire under his butt. Hmmm, me thinks they need to work on communication a bit, as I called and asked for him to call me 5 times!!

Anyway, the bad news is that the tests for Lupus came back negative, but I have definitive lupus symptoms. So, he renewed my scripts for the pain killer, and I have an appt with a rhuematologist on the 9th of Mar, and he also wants me to have an MRI done early next week. I still have to call to set that one up. So, my head still hurts, my joints still hurt, and he is worried about it. And he has woken up to my needs (at least for today). So now, I need to go to bed and try to rest while I trust the kids to do the tiny bit of schoolwork they have for this week (we are taking the week off except for memory work, latin chants, and instrument practice). My son has tryouts for a play this afternoon, and then I have to drive up to my mom's tonight for my nephew's birthday party. Gotta go store up some energy. Please keep praying, however it works for you. I felt so alone last week, and telling y'all about this has helped a great deal, even if I don't have a formal diagnosis. LB

I got serveral errands run today- did the blood drae, had the kids order the flea meds at the vet's, while I ran to the store, then got my scripts filled.

It is now 7:30 pm. Boy's play audition lasted till 4:15, and my sis and my nephews were only going to be at my mom's for another half hour at the most, so we ended up not going over there for the party. (insert sad pouty face here) So instead, I surpervised Boy's horn practice, gave the Girl tips on pineapple upside down cake baking (Dy- this is a great recipe!), roasted carrots and boiled potatoes. Dh is teaching the kids how to use the grill, so they grilled the beef steak. Boy told us about the auditions over dinner.

They are doing the dishes. Papa is walking around sighing. He is stressed at work right now. I am off to lay down now. Hopefully the kids will do the kitchen dishes lickety-split, so we can read tonight. We are loving this McCaffrey book. I think I have talked the Papa Dude into reading Daniel Boone out loud too.

Check in soon,


Dy said...

Well how did the auditions GO??? Don't just leave me hanging! I've been wondering since we talked yesterday. :-)

Gotta make some pineapple upside-down cake! That sounds so good right now...

As for the rest, well, we've talked already, so I won't rehash it. Just know that you're loved and prayed for (also praying specifically for hot fire on the dr's hiney - keep that man moving!)


J-Lynn said...

I am praying for you LB. I know it's not good news in the sense you can say "ah - I know what I have now lets deal with it" but it IS good news in the sense that it can be something less chronic!

Hugs to you - your kids sound so neat!