Monday, January 30, 2006

The Girl is on her way home!

Well, I am down to mopping every hour or so, so that is an improvement. We moved the rugs, and I have been down in the basement much of the day. I cleared off 4 of the 12 shelves on one wall, while I was talking to Dy on the phone- that helped,and thanks for that good idea from Mindy, to clean and talk simultaneously! It is slow going, as I have to sort through everything bit by bit. It is going to take some time, but I will get through it.

This is what happens when a) you don't unpack boxes for 2 years after a move, b) when you finally move into your forever home, and your mother sends you home with something from her house on every weekly visit. Some of it belonged to your father's side of the family, some of it is old and may be an antique some day, some of it you just couldn't say no to your mom about. And c) when you have enough books, toys, and art supplies to house a school, and the only place you have to store it is your unfinished basement, complete with leaks, bug carcases, morning glories growing in the window cracks, and spiderwebs- lots of spiderwebs.

Well, the Papa Dude is due home any minute, and I haven't started dinner. The Boy is still working on his schoolwork, and I want to make a banner (using some rolled paper I found in the basement) to welcome the Girl home tonight. Her plane comes in at 11 pm. I am not relishing going back to the airport, but I can't wait to see my baby again. She has been having a wonderful time, and has been spoiled by our dear friends, I am sure. I can't wait to hear her stories about horseback riding, surfing, visiting the tide pools, eating at new restaurants, and playing with her friends. I am sure she will have tons to tell us. So am I being a bad mom if I make her write a report about her vacation? Her Papa answered this question with "Does everything have to be turned into school?" He was joking, but I answered with a resounding "YES! Of course it does!"


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