From the back door again- sorry about the lighting- it was bright and I couldn't get it right. Notice the clear table surfaces, the lack of crap on the floor, and the empty space under the tables.
Hey look! You can see (and use) the stove! And there are no big piles of junk next to it anymore! Look at that freshly vacuumed carpet!
Neat and clean table tops- ready to get messy with new projects! And everything that was piled here and there is put away and neatly stored.
Here is my paper cupboard. The plastic drawers and baskets on top are all full of collage materials- mostly cards, paper napkins, and specialty papers. In the bottom of the cupboard are kid-oriented craft supplies- perler beads, stuff to make flower fairies, felt, etc. The small drawers next to the paper cupboard hold more collage materials- chipboard shapes, skeleton leaves, paper flowers, etc. I love these little drawers- they are easy to access and keep these supplies (relatively) neat.
These are the shelves on the stairwell wall. They are tucked behind my design wall- two 4' X 8' panels covered in cotton batting and on casters so they move like closet doors. I can have both panels open, or one or the other only. I can move them to access all the shelves, or close them. I love this feature of the room. I really use the whole design wall. Notice how neat the shelves are- from top to bottom we have everything from silk rods and cocoons, to buttons and beads, to every issue of Cloth, Paper, Scissors and Quilting arts, as well as other art technique books. I also have bottles of water (no sink in the studio yet) and wipes for easy cleanup, and cd's to listen to.
I think you can get an idea of how much better it looks, but I think I still have more pics. Do you want to see more?
HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was jealous before, now, I'm not sure what the word is, but I'm that word! AMAZING! Gorgeous!!!
Thanks, Amy. I do love this space.
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