Monday, October 15, 2007

Tidbit: sorta here, sorta not

Hey all,
Hope you are all well, and that none of you get the crud that is sneaking it's way through our house right now. It never really grabs you all the way, but for about a month, all of us have been fighting something low level. Tummy symptoms one day, then runny nose and a cough for a week, then ache-y joints and a sore throat. I think my poor immune system just had all it could take and I seem to be getting all the yucky symptoms at once. Very headache-y, tummy troubles, aches in my joints, etc.

So, I haven't been on the computer, haven't downloaded photos, haven't been in the studio since Saturday. But that's ok, rest is good. My art supplies are starting to trickle in, all the rainbow colors of paint came today, as did the undyed cocoons. I will take more photos tomorrow, and try to be a good blogger and artist. But for tonight, I have 2 new books (Fabric Leftovers, and How to Paint with Jacquard- I know, how interesting!), a sketchbook and pencil, and some StarTrek episodes to watch. I am heading up to my warm bed, and my Dude is cooking something to spark my appetite. I smell zucchini, olives, and sausages. We shall see if I actually eat any.

So that is my day- what have you been up to?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting ~ I posted a response this am. Don't see it...