Hi! Well, instead of just sitting around missing her, or fussing at the Boy to do his schoolwork every 10 minutes, I decided to enjoy the beautiful day and try my hand at Silk Fusion. I bought all the stuff to do this in April, and have been studying the method and looking at other's results for a couple of months now. For my tutorial, I used Sue B's tutorial over at Fiber and Stitch (look in the free projects section) and I also refered to Cloth Paper Scissors, Issue # 4, Fall 2005. First I gathered all my supplies, and set up on the back deck.
Here is what the soy silk roving (this is a waste product you get from making tofu! It is space-dyed. It is very soft, like a big long cotton ball. You start with this:
This is bamboo fiber: It doesn't feel so soft, but it is very pretty. When you pull the fibers apart, instead of being long and straight, like the silk, they are shorter, and almost curly. I bought this at the same time, so thought I would give it a try. This is a beautiful color, blending from hot pink, to a pale orange.
You use tulle or another screening fabric to hold the fibers together while working with them. I used both tulle (it's orange-colored), and a heavy screening fabric that the Dude used to repair the screen doors. I did bamboo and silk on both screens, so I could see which I like better. I am concerned that the screening fabric might leave a pattern on the silk fabric. We shall see!
So, you pull off some fibers, and lay them overlapping in the same direction, on your screen. Aren't the colors pretty? This color is called "Sun and surf" and I thought it fit well.
Then you lay a second layer of fibers down, in the opposite direction, like this.
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